How to invest
Investor Centre
The Atrium Evolution Series – Diversified Fund combines the best of Atrium’s investment experience and process to deliver the optimal set of unconstrained, multi-asset diversified solutions. The Fund comprises of three investment options managed using Atrium’s Risk Targeted investment approach.
How to invest in the Atrium Evolution Series – Diversified Fund
Who can invest?
Individuals can invest in the Atrium Evolution Series – Diversified Fund in one of two ways. Individuals can invest via an investment administration service known as a platform or wrap account. Some of the industry-leading platforms and wrap accounts that provide access to Atrium’s products include BT Panorama, Macquarie Wrap and AMP MyNorth.
Individuals who qualify as a wholesale investor can invest directly with Atrium. Specific requirements must be met to qualify as a wholesale investor. If you are unsure whether you qualify, please speak to your financial adviser.
For wholesale and current investors only
How to make a direct investment

1. Read

2. Complete

3. Send
Read the relevant Product Disclosure Statement for the fund.
Complete the Initial Application Form (Wholesale Investors only) and the identification forms for your investor type. You can download identification forms and forms for additional applications, withdrawals, and change of details from this page.
Post your completed forms to the address below, and either enclose a cheque or send funds by electronic funds transfer (EFT):
Atrium – Registry Services
GPO Box 804
Melbourne VIC 3001
Cheques should be made payable to:
“Atrium Funds – Application A/C” and should accompany the application form. Cheques should be crossed “Not Negotiable”. Please include investor name and address on the back of the cheque.
Payment by EFT should be made to:
Bank: National Australia Bank
Account name: National Nominees Limited ANF The Trust Company (RE) Services Ltd – Atrium Application Account
BSB: 083-043
Account number: 91 362 6892
Reference: [Investor Name/ Investor Number]
Investor Enquiries
Tel: 1300 759 050 (within Australia) or +61 2 9248 8090 (international).
- Initial Application Form (Wholesale Investors only)
- Additional Application Form
- Redemption Request Form
- Transfer Form
- Change of Details Form
- Change of Name Form
- Appoint, Change or Cancel a Financial Adviser Form
- Direct Debit Request Form
- Tax File Numbers, Australian Business Numbers or Exemptions Form
Other Important Information
Direct Debit Request Service Agreement
Before making investments by direct debit, you must read and accept the terms and conditions of the Direct Debit Request Service Agreement.
Continuous Disclosure and Updates
Read the latest important information about the Fund.
Unit Prices
When you invest money or redeem an investment, we calculate the number of units you buy, or the amount of the redemption, based on the applicable unit price. The unit price for each class of units is calculated at the close of business on the last Sydney Business Day of each week. That means all redemption requests, completed applications and payments must be received before 4pm on the second last Business Day of the week to be issued at the unit price for that week.
To find out more, call your financial adviser or contact us:
Atrium Investment Management Pty Ltd
Level 9, 10 Spring Street, Sydney, NSW 2000
GPO Box 1193, Sydney NSW 2001
T: 1300 759 050 (within Australia) or +61 2 9248 8090 (international)
F: 02 9248 8010