Key changes to the Integrated MAPS PDS from 27 February 2024
We would like to inform you that we are making the below changes to the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) of the Integrated Managed Account Portfolio Service (MAPS) on 27 February 2024.
Capitalised terms used in this document have the same meaning as in the PDS.
The key changes include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Updated disclosure of fees and costs — While there have been no changes to the fee structure that applies to MAPS, our estimates of certain fees and costs have been updated following our latest review to ensure that they accurately reflect the costs of managing the scheme.
- Redemptions and transfers — At the discretion of the Responsible Entity and the Nominated Platform, the Responsible Entity and Portfolio Manager may allow (at any time):
- a redemption from the MAPS Real Assets Portfolio in special circumstances (for example, a deceased estate or hardship for the Investor, an SMSF closure, etc.);
- a redemption from the MAPS Real Assets Portfolio if the equivalent redemption amount is available for investment from a Holding Investment Portfolio; or
- a transfer from the MAPS Real Assets Portfolio to another MAPS Investment Portfolio that may or may not have the same beneficial ownership (noting a change in the beneficial ownership may trigger capital gains tax consequences for the Investor), provided there are no material negative impacts on the remaining investors in the Investment Portfolio and the Underlying Asset.
- Minimum Investment Amount — If, at any time, the value of your Investment Portfolio falls below the minimum investment amount, the Responsible Entity may, on your behalf, redeem your entire Investment Portfolio.
- Termination of participation in MAPS — The Responsible Entity may, in its absolute discretion, terminate your participation in MAPS at any time by providing you with written notice. Where this occurs, we will realise the Underlying Assets in your MAPS Portfolio and distribute the net proceeds to you.
- Amendments to the descriptions of the MAPS Portfolios – Enhancements have been made to the investment objective and benchmark disclosure to provide further clarification. Importantly, there have been no changes to the way in which these Portfolios are being managed.
Full details of the above changes can be found in the updated PDS. As always, we recommend that you read this document carefully to understand the main benefits and risks of investing, along with other features of the scheme.
You can view and download the updated PDS here
Integrated MAPS Target Market Determination (TMD)
What is a Target Market Determination?
A Target Market Determination (TMD) is a document which describes the type of investor who may be suitable for a particular financial product (the target market).
A TMD includes the following information:
- Which type of investor is likely to buy the product, including their ability to meet their financial obligations and endure financial loss;
- Who can distribute the product; and
- Situations when the product and the target market may need to be reviewed.
It is important that you understand that a TMD does not replace disclosure documents such as the relevant PDS for the product. You should, therefore, continue to refer to, and read in its entirety, the relevant PDS before deciding whether to acquire the product.
Have there been any changes made to the MAPS TMD as part of the upcoming PDS update?
No changes have been made to the MAPS TMD as part of the upcoming MAPS PDS update. The MAPS TMD will be re-issued in tandem with the MAPS PDS on 27 February 2024.
You can view and download the MAPS TMD here
If you have any queries relating to the information provided in this notice, please contact Atrium via:
Telephone: (02) 9248 8090
Disclaimer: This notice should not be taken as advice and does not take into account the personal financial situation, objectives or needs of any person. Before deciding whether to invest or remain invested, we strongly recommend that you seek advice from a financial adviser.