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Learning from big super’s approach to risk management
SMSF investors and advisers who feel unprepared to weather a recession can learn key risk management strategies being adopted by the major super funds.
Article by Atrium’s Head of Risk & Senior Portfolio Manager, Glen Foster.

Sobering up for a reality check after an optimistic start to 2023 – Senior Portfolio Manager Brendan Paul with ausbiz’s Kyle Rodda discuss the persistent macroeconomic challenges facing investors and how diversification and risk management is the new playbook for multi-asset investing in these volatile times.

The Death of Traditional Portfolio Construction
Hello 2023. Goodbye traditional investment approaches. The Future Fund’s latest position paper, ‘The Death of Traditional Portfolio Construction?’, examines whether traditional approaches will continue to be fit for purpose in a future expected to be far differsent from the past.

Why the 60-40 balanced fund is an endangered species
The Australian Financial Review’s ‘Monday fundie’ column featured Atrium Chief Investment Officer, Tony Edwards, discussing naïve diversification within typical 60-40 balanced funds and how Atrium take a different approach – one that actively considers both risk and return.

Not all SMAs are created equal
SMAs have become popular because they offer many clear benefits for advisers and their clients, but they need to evolve and mature to best meet the needs of investors – particularly in the areas of platform technology/accessibility and portfolio design says Atrium Investment Management‘s Head of Client Investment Solutions David Dix in a recent Money Management Australia article.

Brendan Paul interview on Ausbiz
Despite an unprecedented convergence of multiple macroeconomic and geo-political factors affecting global markets, there are opportunities for investors that can diversify their risks and find “multiple ways of winning” says Atrium Investment Management‘s Brendan Paul in a recent interview with ausbiz.

Ausbiz interview: Are we facing a ‘Burns or Volcker’?
Off the back of the RBAs 8th consecutive interest rate hike and the highest inflation we have seen in decades, Atrium’s Senior Portfolio Manager Brendan Paul caught up with ausbiz’s Kyle Rodda to discuss the macroeconomic and geopolitical strings all playing into an outlook for 2023 and beyond.